
Your Downtown Doula

Postpartum Doula

We are your professional helping hands

So you can rest and recover knowing your baby is being taken care by a licensed health care provider.

Book a daytime or overnight service

Choose from daytime support (4 hours) or overnight (8 hours). Your postpartum doula will get details about you and your baby’s unique needs so they will know how to best support you during their time with you.

Get professional hands-on support

All of our postpartum doulas are licensed healthcare professionals with CPR training.

You rest and recover

Enough said

Why work with us?

This is in-person support to new parents to reduce the stress of adapting to a new baby. Our practitioners are trained in CPR. This allows you to rest, take a shower, sitz bath or other self-care activities during the critical postpartum period. 
The service fee is eligible for coverage by your insurance as naturopathic services.

For Daytime Support

Daytime minimum 4 hours

$100/ hour

Daytime support does not typically include: meal preparation, cooking, babysitting other children, created individual health plans for parents or the baby for more complex issues that are outside of what is expected for a healthy newborn or postpartum recovery.

For Overnight Support

Overnight minimum 8 hours

$650/ night

$100 for each additional hour for the same night

Overnight support does not typically include: bathing, house duties

Our Promise To You

To listen to your story, your goals and your fears

To provide support and education to you and your partner

To work collaboratively with you and your health care team

That we will use our knowledge and experience to serve you to the best of our abilities

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