
Your Downtown Doula


Hi, I’m Ailya! I’m a Naturopathic Doctor, Birth Doula, and IBCLC! As a mother to 5, I have a passion for helping others transition to parenthood over those early months to years with personalized support using evidence-based medicine grounded in lived experience. Background and Experience: I have a medical degree from India (not currently practicing as a physician in Canada), and received my Doctor of Naturopathy from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2021. I completed my internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic with a focus shift in pediatric health. Currently, my practice focuses on pediatrics, perinatal, 4th-trimester care, and lactation support. I am fluent in English, Urdu, and Hindi.

My boundaries for home visits and are:

I offer care in the following hospitals:

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