
Your Downtown Doula



So nice to meet you! I’m EeVon, a Naturopathic Doctor, Birth Doula, sleep consultant and co-creator of the Confident Birth Prenatal Program. I like to take a down-to-earth and energetic approach while bringing my medical knowledge and experience to each and every birth and family that I work with.

Background and experience:

With a bachelors degree in Biology and Psychology from McMaster University, I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2003 and started practice that same year. A few years later I became a certified Hypnotherapist to integrate more mind-body approaches into my practice.

Personally, I had 2 amazing home births, using HypnoBirthing techniques. It was because of my own positive birth experiences that I wanted to work in this field – to help other families achieve their own positive births (no matter how that might look!).

Currently, I provide services from “bump to baby”: I teach Confident Birth classes to help pregnant families feel mentally and physically prepared for labour and birth; I provide doula services to parents to help them during a very transformative time in their lives and I help families deal with sleep challenges (from newborn to toddlers). Needless to say, every day is different and I love what I do!

My boundaries for home visits and are:

I offer care in the following hospitals:

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