
Your Downtown Doula

DR. Michelle Caracciolo ND

Dr. Michelle Caracciolo, ND received an Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences degree, in french immersion, from the University of Ottawa in 2019. Motivated by her personal health journey and a dedication to exceptional patient care, she then received her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2023.  

During her internship year at CCNM, Michelle had the privilege of working on the pediatrics shift, deepening her understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders, digestive concerns, and atopic conditions.  

Background and experience:

During her internship year at CCNM, Michelle had the privilege of working on the pediatrics shift, deepening her understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders, digestive concerns, and atopic conditions.

My boundaries for home visits and are:

I offer care in the following hospitals:

DR. Michelle Caracciolo ND
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