
Your Downtown Doula

Be confident and resilient in

Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

Who We Are

We are a collective of registered health care providers offering doula support, education and individualized, expert care from bump to baby.
Naturopathic Doula Toronto
blogs, Naturopathic Doula Toronto


We also offer the following services

We offer a wide range of support during pregnancy and postpartum. Click the image to find out more

Naturopathic Doula Toronto

Why work with us?

Not your average doula team

Everyone on our team is a registered health care provider, that means your practitioner has extensive medical training and a scope of practice well above and beyond that of a typical doula. We direct bill and our services may be covered under your insurance!

We take the time to get to know you

Your journey is unique. Our visits are comprehensive so your practitioner gets a full and complete picture of how best to support you. Your care plan will be specific to your family’s needs.

We come to you

For your convenience we offer care virtually and in your home. Our clients love that they don’t have to travel when pregnant or with a newborn.

Drop your anxiety

This Bump to Baby Checklist is this is the only list you need to get ready for baby.

This is our in-person service area

We offer virtual appointments and services to families in Ontario (Prenatal Classes, Naturopathic Appointments, Sleep Consults, Limited Lactation Support)

Follow Us

We are a collective of registered health care providers who offer doula support and expert care during pregnancy birth and postpartum. From bump to baby, we're with you every step of the way.

Naturopathic Doula Toronto
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