
Your Downtown Doula

Naturopathic Medicine

Navigate your best health outcomes for pregnancy, birth, recovery and beyond.

naturopathic care

Book an Initial Naturopathic Visit

Focus of care can include

Get a tailored support plan

Together, you and your naturopathic doctor create a plan that perfectly fits your unique needs.

Take Control of your health

Understand what is normal and what your body needs. Feel confident about holistic advice that integrates your needs and healthcare practices, from natural remedies to pharmacological interventions.

Why Work With Us?

Naturopathic Medicine

Unique approach, Unique delivery

Our diverse training and skills means that we guide everyone in the family to better health and wellbeing. We provide comprehensive treatment plans from preconception care to annual check ups. We work alongside your conventional care team to support all round better care. 

As Naturopathic Doctors, our services can be covered by extended benefit plans or private insurance in Ontario. We offer direct billing to most providers. For your convenience, we offer care virtually, in office and in your home.

How naturopathic medicine integrates with conventional care

Services we offer:

Our Promise To You

To listen to your story, your goals and your fears

To provide support and education to you and your partner

To work collaboratively with you and your health care team

That we will use our knowledge and experience to serve you to the best of our abilities

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