
Your Downtown Doula

About us

Founded in 2016, Your Downtown Doula is a collective of regulated healthcare professionals who provide expert care in doula support, perinatal services and education throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum

Our Team

Birth Doula FAQs

Collectively, our team has many decades of attending births. Because every birth that each doula attends is different, our collective prides itself on sharing knowledge learned from each experience which strengthens the expertise of each doula on our team. At any given time, team members can consult with each other in real time to gain additional insight when faced with challenging birthing situations. We have seen immense benefits from this model of care. This means you gain from this collective experience regardless of which team member works with you.

Through our team’s experience we have created CONFIDENT BIRTH prenatal class.  This class focuses on the techniques we have found work wonders for clients. 

Additionally, as we are all naturopathic doctors we may use tools specifically under our regulated scope of practice including but not limited to: acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathics.

It depends on their comfort level of desire in participation.  We have intake processes for both parents to see how we can best serve families in creating inclusive and family first births. Our role is not to replace your partner, but to assist them in helping you and filling in the gaps of care. 

Currently we cover the following cities: Toronto, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, Vaughn, Aurora, Newmarket, North York, Markham, Scarborough, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa.


We are a team of career doulas and even though we take measures to avoid client overlap, the reality is that birth is unpredictable and babies can be born quite early or quite late and sometimes births coincide. That said, it is highly likely that your primary doula will be THE doula who attends your birth. But don’t worry, our collective has a back-up team (our safety net) dedicated to ensuring smooth coverage in the case where your primary doula cannot be present. During your on-call period …. likely to be at your birth.
We are on-call for you 24/7 starting from 38 weeks of your pregnancy. We will go over the specifics of how best to mutually communicate and how often to contact us (for example, after your prenatal appointments). You would initially contact your doula if you think you are in labour no matter the time (calls are most commonly made in the middle of the night!). While each client’s care is specific to their circumstance, we generally provide you with support and guidance virtually in early labour and then go to you when you are in more active labour.
While each client’s care is specific to their situation, you are making initial contact when you think you are in labour. From there, your doula will meet you either at your home or at your birth location and stay with you until the baby is born and up to 2 hours after. You will receive continuous and on-going support throughout. For labours lasting longer than 24 hours, for safety reasons, a back-up doula may be called in to relieve your primary doula and so that you can continue to receive high quality, on-going support.

What matters is how you feel about them.  Our role is not to choose for you, but to learn about your needs and desires and to assist in creating a positive experience through education, emotional and physical support and advocation. 

We do!  Your birth doula will be able to support you getting started in immediate postpartum, however we also have a dedicated lactation team, including IBCLCs that do home visits. Our lactation team are also available for prenatal lactation education.  Let your doula know if you’re interested in more support from a lactation consultant. 

Do you have more questions? Bring them to your free Meet & Greet – book here!

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