
Your Downtown Doula

Infant Craniosacral Therapy Toronto

Help Your Baby Feel More Calm And Comfortable

Infant Craniosacral Therapy can help with everything from colic to latching to digestive issues as it allows babies to feel more relaxed.
Infant Craniosacral Therapy Toronto

What to expect when you work with us

Book a visit

Our practitioner will visit you in your home.

Meet with your therapist

Initial visits are typically about 90 minutes. Your practitioner will go over a thorough history, a physical exam of your baby and provide treatment in your home.

Help your baby feel more comfortable

Your therapist will provide you with exercises and stretches to do after the visit to help your baby feel more comfortable in their body.

What Is Infant Craniosacral Therapy?

Being in utero and being born can be hard on a baby’s body. They get pretty squished! Craniosacral therapy is a gentle form of massage that uses about 5 grams of pressure to help babies release tension they may be holding in their bodies. This technique can help with everything from colic to latching to digestive issues as it allows babies to feel more relaxed.

What To Expect In Craniosacral Therapy

CST visits are about 90 minutes and are done at your home. These visits are eligible for coverage under naturopathic benefits


Our Team

Our Promise To You

To listen to your story, your goals and your fears

To provide support and education to you and your partner

To work collaboratively with you and your health care team

That we will use our knowledge and experience to serve you to the best of our abilities

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