
Your Downtown Doula

Prenatal Breastfeeding Program

Feel confident about your feeding journey

Feeding your baby can be stressful. Our prenatal breastfeeding program is taught one-on-one by a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. This program is designed to give you all the tools you’ll need so you can feed your baby with confidence


What to expect when you work with us

Book a consult

This program can be taught either virtually or in your home.

Get educated

Our prenatal lactation program is about 2 hours long. You’ll learn about what to expect in the first few weeks of feeding your baby, how to avoid pain and how to know that your baby is getting enough.

Feel confident and prepared

Your instructor will answer any and all questions you may have and provide resources to have on hand once baby arrives.

One-On-One Prenatal Lactation Education

Only 25% of families meet their breastfeeding goals. Our mission is to make that number higher. Research and experience have taught me that prenatal breastfeeding classes are KEY in your success. Join me today to make a powerful difference in your baby's life.

Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC

What will you learn?

The Basics

- What is a latch, even?
- How do I know if I'm doing it right?
- What are the most comfortable ways to hold my baby while nursing?

What to do if things go wrong

You'll learn the most effective ways to eliminate pain, boost supply and what to do if you have a rocky start.

Pumping and Bottles

Most families want to use at least some bottles. You'll learn how to pump and how to store your milk. Plus, learn how to bottle feed a breastfed baby to avoid bottle preference.

Answer YOUR specific questions

Your instructor is a licensed naturopathic doctor, she will be able to answer whatever questions that you have!

What To Expect In in Our Program

These private classes are taught by licensed Naturopathic Doctors and can be covered as a naturopathic visit.


Our Promise To You

To listen to your story, your goals and your fears

To provide support and education to you and your partner

To work collaboratively with you and your health care team

That we will use our knowledge and experience to serve you to the best of our abilities

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