
Your Downtown Doula

Julie Auerbach R.Ac

Julie Auerbach, R.Ac

Hi I’m Julie (she/her). I’m a Registered Acupuncturist, Birth/Postpartum Doula, Elementary School Special Education Teacher, and single mother of 2 fabulous kiddos. I am inspired by supporting people of all gender identities and family structures in creating and bringing new life into the world….

Background and experience:

Prior to studying acupuncture at Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine, I graduated from the University of Guelph with a degree in Women’s Studies and Literature and Performing Arts and at Queen’s University with a Bachelor’s of Education. After completing my board exams to become an Acupuncturist, I continued my studies through the completion of the Trauma Informed Acupuncture Certificate program with Acupuncturists Without Borders. I am also currently assisting people in their fertility and pregnancy journey as an Acupuncturist at the Toronto Reproductive Acupuncture Clinic.

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