
Your Downtown Doula

Whether you’re planning on giving birth at home, in a birth centre or at a hospital, it’s important to have all your supplies ready to go before hand. Here is a good place to start. Remember to pack your essentials together in advance of your due date so everything is in one place and easily accessible.


  • At least 2 pairs of comfy clothing for yourself and your partner that you don’t mind getting dirty
  • If you have access to a birth pool, your partner may want to bring a bathing suit so they can join you
  • Comfy shoes for you and your partner
  • Clothes, diapers and receiving blanket for the baby
  • Peri-pads or overnight pads and comfortable underwear for after delivery
  • Camera, cellphone and appropriate chargers


  • Your Health card and anything else you need to register if you’re are planning to go to a hospital or birth centre
  • Toothbrushes and tooth paste for you and your partner
  • A face cloth and hair brush to help you freshen up
  • A separate outfit to change into to go home
  • A properly installed car seat

Get our Top 5 Tips for LOVING Your Birth!


  • Snacks!
    Have a stash of yummy, nutritious, easy to eat snacks available such as granola bars, nuts/nut butter, and popsicles
  • A water bottle and/or coconut water, you can add lemon or a straw
  • Inspirational photos or mantras that you can easily put up around whatever room you’re in
  • Birth tools that may not be available at your location such as: birth ball, birth stool, TENS, Rebozo
  • Music and speakers, you may want to consider putting together a playlist in advance including meditations that you enjoy
  • Essential oil diffuser and your favourite scents

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