Hello, I’m Sophia! Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to channel my talents into helping people. I chose naturopathic medicine because I struggled with a variety of health issues myself and naturopathic medicine offered me a solution that other medicine couldn’t offer; a chance to truly heal. I want to harness the powers of nature and help parents find the courage to actively take part in charting their journey though parenthood.
Background and experience:
I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, completing my internships at the Integrative Cancer Center supporting cancer care and Birth Mark Naturopathic Clinic supporting perinatal health. Prior to studying medicine, I earned a degree in Fine Arts from Concordia University in Montreal. By combining my love for science with my creative side, I have built a unique skill set which flows organically when practicing naturopathic medicine. Additionally, I have completed my Naturopathic Doula certification and recently became a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Alongside supporting perinatal health, my practice also focuses on hormonal health, mental health, and cancer care with a special interest in breast cancer.
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