Hi! I’m Melanie Jacobson. Professionally I am a naturopathic doctor and lactation consultant. Personally, I am a wife and mother of 2 amazing girls. I believe that prenatal education and early hands-on support can help new parents feel confident, connected, and empowered through their postnatal and breastfeeding journey.
Background and experience:
After studying at the University of Toronto and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine to become at naturopathic doctor, I gained valuable international experience in the United Kingdom and Australia. The knowledge and experience acquired from working and living abroad has been indispensable to me as a practitioner and mother. Upon my return to Toronto, I practiced for many years as a Naturopathic Doctor. After having my own children, I received my IBCLC designation to provide lactation consultations and expanded my clinical practice to focus on postnatal wellness and lactation support to families in the west end of Toronto.
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