
Your Downtown Doula

Postpartum Anxiety

 Postpartum anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects many new mothers. It is characterized by excessive worry and fear that can interfere with daily activities and make it difficult to care for yourself and your newborn. While some degree of worry is normal for new parents, postpartum anxiety can cause a level of […]

Breastfeeding and Caesarian births

by Dr. Melanie Jacobson, NC IBCLC Did you know a c-section birth can affect your breastfeeding experience?  Caesarian births are associated with delayed lactogenesis II, meaning, a delayed transition of colostrum to breast milk or breast milk ‘coming in’.  Also, it can often lead to a delayed initiation of breastfeeding, due to the birthing parent’s […]

Getting a Handle on Prenatal Health

by Dr. Yasmin Amini, ND Pregnancy is a time of anticipation, preparation and excitement about many things to come! Nine months worth of questions and answers is what we, at Your Downtown Doula, are here for. The prenatal period is unique for every family! As Naturopathic Doctors and doulas, not only do we provide education […]

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