
Postpartum Chills

Several factors contribute to postpartum chills. One of the leading causes is the rapid drop in hormones that occurs after delivery. During pregnancy, the body produces high levels of hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which help regulate body temperature.

Healing the Perineum after Birth

by Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC Vaginal birth takes a toll on the perineum. Even if you don’t experience tears, you will still have lots of healing to do. These recipes contain soothing herbs that will help speed tissue recovery. I recommend you make them up before your birth so they are on hand and […]

The Biggest Mistake most First Time Parents Make

by Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND The biggest mistake most first time parents make…is that they focus too much on birth preparation and don’t put enough emphasis into what comes after.  The 4th trimester can blindside you just as much as an unexpected birth outcome.  Put both together, and it can be a serious recipe for […]

Let’s get real about Postpartum Bodies

by Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC What’s the biggest mistake to make after giving birth? Rushing to lose weight. It is my biggest pet peeve, as a women, that so many of us feel such intense pressure to look model ready 24/7. If you don’t like the way you look after spending 9 months growing […]

3 ways to Support Your Mental Health with a Newborn over the Holidays

by Dr. Laura Kent-Davidson, ND IBCLCMany different holidays and traditions are celebrated at this time of year. For families who have welcomed a new baby into their world, this time may be enjoyed with gatherings of friends and family eager to celebrate the arrival of your little one with you. While these gatherings are a […]

Three Tools to Encourage Endorphin Release in Labour

By Dr. Tehseen Meghji, BSc., ND, Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator Endorphins are the body’s natural pain reducing hormones. Did you know that they can be stronger than morphine in reducing pain? Every labour contraction causes a release of endorphins and as labour intensifies, the production of endorphins increases. In fact, in un-medicated labours, the peak […]

Orgasmic birth?! Tell me more!

Wait did you say orgasm during birth?This is a very taboo topic, while writing this article anyone I spoke about it with was totally shocked and confused. Isn’t birth supposed to be painful? That is what you would think from the way that birth is portrayed in the media, but that isn’t always the case. […]

A Birth Partner’s Guide

Pregnancy, labor, and delivery can be an exciting time for the pregnant person, as they gear up to meet their new bundle of joy. However, there is also another key person involved in the journey of birthing a newborn baby – the supporting birth partner. The birth partner could be a doula, romantic partner, parent, sibling, […]

Embracing Feeding Journeys

by Dr. Sophia Sokolowski, ND Parenthood is a journey of many colors, and navigating the path of feeding your little one can bring both joys and challenges. If you’re facing obstacles along the way, remember that you’re part of a community that understands.   Here are 5 tips to support your journey:   Connect with […]

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