
Your Downtown Doula

Postpartum Chills

Several factors contribute to postpartum chills. One of the leading causes is the rapid drop in hormones that occurs after delivery. During pregnancy, the body produces high levels of hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which help regulate body temperature.

Is my baby breech!?

First off, don’t stress.  Usually only very few (<5%) are not head down by the time it is to give birth.  You may notice health care providers may start to get antsy however around the 35-36 week mark, especially if they can’t feel baby with their own hands to confirm.  They may request an ultrasound […]

Informed Consent

by Dr. Alisa Murli, ND  Congrats, you’re pregnant! Pregnancy is such an exciting time as you’re preparing for your newborn to arrive, but it can also be confusing or overwhelming. Whether this is your first pregnancy or subsequent, there is often so much to learn. In this article, we focus on informed consent and will […]

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