Postpartum Anxiety
Postpartum anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects many new mothers. It is characterized by excessive worry and fear that can interfere with daily activities and make it difficult to care for yourself and your newborn. While some degree of worry is normal for new parents, postpartum anxiety can cause a level of […]
Is my baby breech!?
First off, don’t stress. Usually only very few (<5%) are not head down by the time it is to give birth. You may notice health care providers may start to get antsy however around the 35-36 week mark, especially if they can’t feel baby with their own hands to confirm. They may request an ultrasound […]
3 ways to Support Your Mental Health with a Newborn over the Holidays
by Dr. Laura Kent-Davidson, ND IBCLCMany different holidays and traditions are celebrated at this time of year. For families who have welcomed a new baby into their world, this time may be enjoyed with gatherings of friends and family eager to celebrate the arrival of your little one with you. While these gatherings are a […]
Orgasmic birth?! Tell me more!
Wait did you say orgasm during birth?This is a very taboo topic, while writing this article anyone I spoke about it with was totally shocked and confused. Isn’t birth supposed to be painful? That is what you would think from the way that birth is portrayed in the media, but that isn’t always the case. […]
Holiday Tips for Nursing Parents
Our own Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC gives you practical tips for nursing during the holiday season!
Informed Consent
by Dr. Alisa Murli, ND Congrats, you’re pregnant! Pregnancy is such an exciting time as you’re preparing for your newborn to arrive, but it can also be confusing or overwhelming. Whether this is your first pregnancy or subsequent, there is often so much to learn. In this article, we focus on informed consent and will […]
5 Comfort Measures (you might want to try during labour)
by Laura Hill (YDD Back Up Team Member)Labour can be a daunting experience, but with the right planning, aids, and support, it can be a more comfortable one. Comfort measures during labour can help alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation, making for a more positive birth experience. These measures are non-pharmacological techniques that aim […]
A Meet and Greet with Your Downtown Doula
Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND goes over the most commonly asked questions that we get asked during our Meet & Greets!