Get Prepared Bundle of Breastfeeding and Doula Course


Get a prepared bundle of our two top-selling online courses, Prepared Partners and Breastfeeding SOS. These courses are ideal if you’re planning a hospital birth and don’t have access to a doula or won’t be able to bring them with you due to COVID 19 restrictions. Let us tell you why:

Prepared Partners: Basically a mini-doula training for your birth partner. Dr. Sarah Winward, ND created this course when she was pregnant. As a doula, there were things that she knew she wanted at her birth that she needed to communicate to her husband, techniques that she had seen be so helpful at births that she wanted him to know. She wanted to be able to work with her partner as a team so that both of them were actively involved in the birth of their baby. And now she wants to pass that information on to you and your partner, so that whatever may happen, you’re prepared together.

Breastfeeding SOS: This course is perfect if you’re planning a hospital birth and want to chest/breastfeed. We will go through the basics of everything you need to know to get through the hospital system including starting out right, options for supplementing your baby, how to make enough milk for your baby.

Regularly, these courses cost $174, but right now you can get them as a bundle for just $97. That’s like getting Breastfeeding SOS free!
