
Mini doula course for you and your partner

This mini doula course is for you and your partner if...

You want to feel confident that your partner can support you during labour

Most parents I talk to are 

  • Scared that their partner won't know what to do
  • Worried that their partner will be squeamish during birth
  • Want REAL practical ways their partner can support them

What will you learn?

What happens during labour and birth

Feel confident knowing exactly what is happening in each stage of labour and how each stage is unique.

The most useful tips and tricks for each stage of labour

Straight from a naturopathic doula, learn the most useful tricks to get you through your birth. 

How to navigate the unexpected

Birth is unpredictable. Your partner will learn how to advocate for you even in the most unexpected circumstances.

Practical tools you can use RIGHT NOW

I walk you through practical exercises you can start doing right now  to get in sync with your partner. These tools with carry you right through birth with confidence.

Get instant access to our mini doula course (Prepared Partners) now!

Get instant, lifetime access to this amazing resource for you and your partner, RIGHT NOW! 

Prepared Partners

Why I made this course

Dr, Sarah

I needed my husband to be my doula

I got pregnant when I was still in school, money was pretty tight so my partner and I opted not to get a doula (if I could go back I definitely would have hired one but that's another story!). I decided to give my partner a mini doula training so that he could support me during labour!

Dr. Sarah Winward, ND  //  Creator of Prepared Partners

What you get

Get instant lifetime access to this amazing resource, including:

Practical, easy to understand videos that walk you through all the information you need to know and demonstrate tips, tricks and tools.

Simple, summary hand outs that you can download to your phone. These are amazing resources that your partner can pull out DURING labour for easy reminders of what to do.

There were things that I knew I wanted to happen at my birth that I needed to communicate to him, techniques that I had seen be so helpful at births that I wanted him to know. I wanted to be able to work with my partner as a team so that both of us were actively involved in the birth of our baby.

I realized that I couldn't be the only one who dreamt of having their partner in tune with them through their birth. And that's why I put together this training. I want to give you and your partner the opportunity to use all the knowledge that I've gained from years of training and attending births. So that you are both on the same wavelength and ready to tackle whatever your birth adventure throws your way.

Dr. Sarah Winward, ND

The Best Time to Start Preparing is Now!

It's never too early to get prepared for birth. Go into your labour feeling confident and empowered, knowing that your partner can support you no matter what comes your way. Learn everything I NEEDED my husband to know before we had our baby. Get your partner trained by a doula today! 

Prepared Partner - Doula Course

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Frequently Asked Questions

When should I buy this Doula course

How long will it take to go through this information?

Is this course inclusive?

What if I am planning on getting a doula?

Copyright 2019, Your Downtown Doula

Disclaimer: Birth is unpredictable. Your Downtown Doula does not guarantee any results from taking this course. This training does not take the place of personalized medical support. All information offered here is intended to be generic in nature and does not substitute for medical advice. 

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