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Know Your Body, Own Your Birth 

Premier Prenatal Program

Thank you for your interest in the Know Your Body, Own Your Birth prenatal program.  Please call 416-595-5353 then select option 1 and we can help you to book into the appropriate classes and answer any questions you may have.  If you are contacting us outside of office hours you can leave a message or fill the form below with your phone number and someone will call you back within 1 business day.

You'll benefit from so much more than a prenatal class by receiving:

  • A comprehensive prenatal class taught by registered Naturopathic Doctors who are also doulas, with a combined experience of 40+ years
  • Individualized and effective Pelvic floor care by experienced Pelvic Physiotherapists including an in-person assessment so you can feel confident that what you are doing, is working!
  • Services delivered by licensed healthcare professionals eligible for insurance coverage
  • A mix of online and in person care designed to be convenient and produce optimal results
  • Useful resources, like workbooks and audio tracks that support your birth experience
  • Referral networks to the services you will require and prepare for postpartum life, like lactation and sleep consultants 


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