
Your Downtown Doula


Hypnobirthing classes

We offer the original HypnoBirthing Mongan Method Prenatal Program taught by our certified instructors Dr. EeVon Ling ND and Dr. Olivia Chubey ND who are both naturopathic doctors*, doulas and HypnoBirthing moms. HypnoBirthing Classes online is a comprehensive prenatal childbirth preparation program that helps you release your fears so you can be relaxed during labour and childbirth.

What To Expect In Hypnobirthing Classes

HypnoBirthing Class is taught as a group class. Fees includes all class materials and a 30 min assessment with your ND. Eligible for coverage under Naturopathic benefits


This program is perfect for those who have a lot of anxiety and fear around childbirth and would like a longer prenatal program with more contact time with the instructor. 

Register for your class today! Click below for our sister site with complete information and class schedule

Our Promise To You

To listen to your story, your goals and your fears

To provide support and education to you and your partner

To work collaboratively with you and your health care team

That we will use our knowledge and experience to serve you to the best of our abilities

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