
Your Downtown Doula

by Dr. Yasmin Amini, ND

Pregnancy is a time of anticipation, preparation and excitement about many things to come! Nine months worth of questions and answers is what we, at Your Downtown Doula, are here for.

The prenatal period is unique for every family!

As Naturopathic Doctors and doulas, not only do we provide education and information, we also provide therapies and treatments. The prenatal period is unique for every family, and the challenges and milestones are experienced differently. Some common areas of service during the prenatal period include and are not limited to:

  • Proper supplements: doses and brands
  • Nutritional guidance: what to eat and what to avoid
  • Exercise: beneficial positions for mom and baby, healthy movement
  • Symptom management of all things pregnancy
  • Physical therapies with acupuncture, cupping, massage

As pregnancy progresses, you may be confronted with an overwhelming amount of decision making, from labour and delivery, to baby products, physician referrals, and the list goes on! At Your Downtown Doula, we are here to help you sift through the noise of decision making and give you the information you need to feel prepared and confident heading into the next steps of your journey.

We can help you prepare with the following individualized prenatal services offered at Your Downtown Doula:

(Click the links above to get connected with support today!)

Want to get prepared for pregnancy, birth and postpartum? Grab our free Bump to Baby Checklist! This clear and thorough guide walks you through everything to expect from your first trimester to past your 6 week postpartum check up.

  • What tests and screenings will be offered and when
  • When to sign up for prenatal education and what types to consider
  • Things you should think about that your care provider may not mention
  • Links to helpful resources

Dr. Yasmin Amini ND
Dr. Yasmin offers naturopathic and doula care in English, French, Farsi and Spanish. She also has a focus in postpartum care.
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