
Your Downtown Doula

by Dr. Sophia Sokolowski, ND

Parenthood is a journey of many colors, and navigating the path of feeding your little one can bring both joys and challenges. If you’re facing obstacles along the way, remember that you’re part of a community that understands.


Here are 5 tips to support your journey:


  1. Connect with Supportive Hearts: Seek support from trusted sources, be it friends, family, or lactation consultants. Sharing experiences and insights can offer comfort and guidance.
  2. Find Your Unique Approach: Just as every child is unique, so is your journey. Explore different feeding positions, techniques, and schedules to discover what feels right for both you and your little one.
  3. Prioritize Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is a vital part of this journey. Nourish your body, stay hydrated, and rest when possible. A well-cared-for parent is better equipped to nurture their child.
  4. Build Confidence: Trust your instincts and choices. Believe in your ability to provide what your child needs, whether through lactation, bottle-feeding, or a combination of methods.
  5. Celebrate Every Victory: Progress takes many forms. Celebrate each successful feeding, no matter how small. Every ounce of nourishment shared is a triumph.


Remember, your journey is valid and unique, embracing the beautiful diversity of parenthood and feeding. Let’s uplift each other, sharing wisdom and support. You’ve got this!


Want to get prepared for pregnancy, birth and postpartum? Grab our free Bump to Baby Checklist! This clear and thorough guide walks you through everything to expect from your first trimester to past your 6 week postpartum check up.

  • What tests and screenings will be offered and when
  • When to sign up for prenatal education and what types to consider
  • Things you should think about that your care provider may not mention
  • Links to helpful resources
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