Let’s get real about Postpartum Bodies

by Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC What’s the biggest mistake to make after giving birth? Rushing to lose weight. It is my biggest pet peeve, as a women, that so many of us feel such intense pressure to look model ready 24/7. If you don’t like the way you look after spending 9 months growing […]
Birth without fear
Think about the last movie you saw that featured someone giving birth. I’m guessing there was a woman screaming, a man freaking out, and a doctor yelling “Push, push push!” Now tell me how many of your friends are terrified by the thought of giving birth? Maybe you’re included in that group! Popular culture does a really […]
My Top 2 SURPRISING tips to help prepare your home for sleep with your new baby

“When working with expectant families, I am of the mindset of making things easier for the parents (because raising a baby is very hard work!) and this should extend to arranging the home so it can maximize sleep for everyone. “
Lactation 101
Many new parents assume that breastfeeding is instinctive. This might have been true once, when children saw their mothers and aunts and friends of the family feeding their babies regularly and in public. Now, breastfeeding is stigmatized and parents are made to cover up or move to a less visible location. Not only is this a terrible […]
Are Prenatal Classes Really Necessary?
-Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND Yes! Yes! A resounding YES! You are setting yourself up for failure if you don’t take a prenatal class. (I know that sounds harsh, but this is too important of a topic to tiptoe around.) I know what you’re thinking: “Well of course you would say that, you teach prenatal classes!” […]
How Can My Partner Prepare for My Birth?
Your Downtown Doula’s Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC explains how your partner can prepare for your birth so you can have a calm and confident labour!
Top 5 Tips for Self Care During Pregnancy
Your Downtown Doula’s own Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC gives her top 5 tips for self care during pregnancy.
Do I *Really* Need a Birth Doula?
Your Downtown Doula’s own Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND, breaks down the questions you should ask yourself to decide if doula care is right for you!
Alternative Options to Pain Medications
Your Downtown Doula’s own Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND discusses the realities of an epidural during childbirth – and whether or not you NEED one!
You *just know* how to parent!
Dr. Kim Abog, ND Have you ever had a strong hunch about something and it turned out to be true? Have you ever defied that little voice in your head (much to their dismay) and felt regret about it? As a parent, you may have already had several introductions, friendly or rude, with your parental […]