
Your Downtown Doula

Baby Prep: What You Do (And Don’t) Need For Baby

It is easy for expectant parents to find themselves overwhelmed these days, with the amount of products being marketed to them. As an ND and Lactation Consultant, I myself find it hard to keep up with it all. There seems to be a new widget or gadget out every month promising more infant sleep, a […]

Mental Health Concerns in New Parents

How will I feel after having a baby?  I’ve experienced PMS before, is it the same thing as the baby blues?  What if I have experienced past anxiety or depression, am I guaranteed to have the blues? These are questions that expecting parents and new parents have asked as they begin their journey into parenthood.  Knowing […]

Things they don’t tell you about Pregnancy (but we will)

with Dr. Dori Skye Engel, ND Striking the balance between not being alarmist and bringing up every possible thing that could happen during pregnancy, while providing helpful, supportive information and specific recommendations to help symptom management. There is almost always something that can be done to alleviate your discomfort. Often there is some trial and error […]

Is my baby breech!?

First off, don’t stress.  Usually only very few (<5%) are not head down by the time it is to give birth.  You may notice health care providers may start to get antsy however around the 35-36 week mark, especially if they can’t feel baby with their own hands to confirm.  They may request an ultrasound […]

Let’s get real about Postpartum Bodies

by Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC What’s the biggest mistake to make after giving birth? Rushing to lose weight. It is my biggest pet peeve, as a women, that so many of us feel such intense pressure to look model ready 24/7. If you don’t like the way you look after spending 9 months growing […]

How to Keep Breathing when The World is on Fire

by Dr. Dori Skye Engel, ND   It’s pretty bleak out there friends.The world is literally on fire. The atmosphere is heavy and ominous. We must keep moving forward.We also need to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Even once the haze eventually lifts, which it definitely will, your body will need support moving forward to eliminate […]

Informed Consent

by Dr. Alisa Murli, ND  Congrats, you’re pregnant! Pregnancy is such an exciting time as you’re preparing for your newborn to arrive, but it can also be confusing or overwhelming. Whether this is your first pregnancy or subsequent, there is often so much to learn. In this article, we focus on informed consent and will […]

Birth without fear

Think about the last movie you saw that featured someone giving birth. I’m guessing there was a woman screaming, a man freaking out, and a doctor yelling “Push, push push!” Now tell me how many of your friends are terrified by the thought of giving birth? Maybe you’re included in that group! Popular culture does a really […]

Reasons why you SHOULD have a doula!

What is a doula anyway?  Doulas are companions who provide non-clinical support and care to a person during their pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Doulas work with people in labor, their families, and their health care team to ensure effective communication and understanding of their bodies and the many different elements of the pregnancy […]

Getting a Handle on Prenatal Health

by Dr. Yasmin Amini, ND Pregnancy is a time of anticipation, preparation and excitement about many things to come! Nine months worth of questions and answers is what we, at Your Downtown Doula, are here for. The prenatal period is unique for every family! As Naturopathic Doctors and doulas, not only do we provide education […]

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