
Your Downtown Doula

Is my baby breech!?

First off, don’t stress.  Usually only very few (<5%) are not head down by the time it is to give birth.  You may notice health care providers may start to get antsy however around the 35-36 week mark, especially if they can’t feel baby with their own hands to confirm.  They may request an ultrasound […]

Embracing Feeding Journeys

by Dr. Sophia Sokolowski, ND Parenthood is a journey of many colors, and navigating the path of feeding your little one can bring both joys and challenges. If you’re facing obstacles along the way, remember that you’re part of a community that understands.   Here are 5 tips to support your journey:   Connect with […]

Breastfeeding and Caesarian births

by Dr. Melanie Jacobson, NC IBCLC Did you know a c-section birth can affect your breastfeeding experience?  Caesarian births are associated with delayed lactogenesis II, meaning, a delayed transition of colostrum to breast milk or breast milk ‘coming in’.  Also, it can often lead to a delayed initiation of breastfeeding, due to the birthing parent’s […]

Nursing Positions

Your Downtown Doula’s own Dr. Sarah Winward, ND IBCLC explains two of the most comfortable breastfeeding positions: Cradle Hold and Side Lying.

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