Is my baby breech!?

First off, don’t stress. Usually only very few (<5%) are not head down by the time it is to give birth. You may notice health care providers may start to get antsy however around the 35-36 week mark, especially if they can’t feel baby with their own hands to confirm. They may request an ultrasound […]
Do you doula at *this* hospital?

by Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND Similar to midwives and obstetricians, doulas often work within certain catchment areas. This is to ensure we can support you in a timely manner. This is why when we receive an inquiry, we ask for your place of birth and your nearest intersection, in addition to your EDD (expected due date), […]
The Biggest Mistake most First Time Parents Make

by Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND The biggest mistake most first time parents make…is that they focus too much on birth preparation and don’t put enough emphasis into what comes after. The 4th trimester can blindside you just as much as an unexpected birth outcome. Put both together, and it can be a serious recipe for […]
A Meet and Greet with Your Downtown Doula
Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND goes over the most commonly asked questions that we get asked during our Meet & Greets!
Are Prenatal Classes Really Necessary?
-Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND Yes! Yes! A resounding YES! You are setting yourself up for failure if you don’t take a prenatal class. (I know that sounds harsh, but this is too important of a topic to tiptoe around.) I know what you’re thinking: “Well of course you would say that, you teach prenatal classes!” […]
Do I *Really* Need a Birth Doula?
Your Downtown Doula’s own Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND, breaks down the questions you should ask yourself to decide if doula care is right for you!
Alternative Options to Pain Medications
Your Downtown Doula’s own Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND discusses the realities of an epidural during childbirth – and whether or not you NEED one!
What disservice do we do to women?
Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND Think about the last movie you saw that featured someone giving birth. I’m guessing there was a woman screaming, a man freaking out, and a doctor yelling “Push, push push!” Now tell me how many of your friends are terrified by the thought of giving birth? Maybe you’re included in that […]
Are Prenatal Classes Necessary?
The birth of your baby should not be a traumatic experience! Even if there are unexpected circumstances, you should not come away from your birth feeling traumatized. It has always been my goal to reduce this statistic and prenatal classes are a KEY element.