
Your Downtown Doula


Common questions we get and our answers….

by Dr. Olivia Chubey, ND

How long have you been practicing? How many births have you attended?

Our team is a mix of varied experience from those practicing since 2002 to newer graduates.  Our collective prides itself on our collaboration and mentorship focus.  Which means that even if you work with a newer graduate, they are under the direct mentorship of a more experienced naturopathic doctor and doula, with access to them during your birth.  So no matter who you work with, you will get the benefit of the experience of our whole team.




What techniques do you use to help me through labor and birth?

Through our team’s experience we have created CONFIDENT BIRTH prenatal class.  This class focuses on the techniques we have found work wonders for clients. 

Additionally, as we are all naturopathic doctors we may use tools specifically under our regulated scope of practice including but not limited to: acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathics.



How do you involve/include my partner during labor and birth? 

It depends on their comfort level of desire in participation.  We have intake processes for both parents to see how we can best serve families in creating inclusive and family first births. Our role is not to replace your partner, but to assist them in helping you and filling in the gaps of care. 




Have you attended births at my birth location and what were your experiences there?

Currently we cover the following cities: Toronto, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, Vaughn, Aurora, Newmarket, North York, Markham, Scarborough, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa.





Do you have any other clients that have due dates near mine? Do you have a backup doula? If so, may I meet her? How often is your backup doula used?

Sometimes we do!  It depends on our caseload that month. Although it is unlikely that you will go into labour at exactly the same time as our other clients, we do have a backup team dedicated to ensuring smooth coverage in the case where your primary doula can not be present. During your on-call period you will receive information regarding who are your backup doulas, their contact information and an opportunity to meet with them.  The backup team is SO great we wish they could attend more births, but the reality is that your primary doula is highly likely to be at your birth. 



At what point in labor would we meet up? How should I contact you during labor and at what point? Is it okay if it’s in the middle of the night? Are you always on call?

We are on-call for you 24/7 starting at 38 weeks gestation. So yes – please do call us at 3am if your labour has started!  We will go over the specifics of how best to mutually communicate and reach us during your appointments.  While each client’s care is specific to them and their labour, generally, we will provide virtual support in early labour and meet with you when you are in active labour.




Do you stay for the entire labor and childbirth, or do you have a time limit for long births? How long do you stay after the birth?

While each client’s care is specific to them and their doula, if we are able to connect in active labour we are there until 1-2 hours after your baby is born.  We will not leave you high and dry, but we try to aim for 24 hours (without sleep…can be longer if the doula has an opportunity to rest) maximum for safety purposes. 




How do you feel about epidurals or any pain medication?

What matters is how you feel about them.  Our role is not to choose for you, but to learn about your needs and desires and to assist in creating a positive experience through education, emotional and physical support and advocation. 





Do you help with breastfeeding? What’s your experience and training with breastfeeding?

We do!  Your birth doula will be able to support you getting started in immediate postpartum, however we also have a dedicated lactation team, including IBCLCs that do home visits. Our lactation team are also available for prenatal lactation education.  Let your doula know if you’re interested in more support from a lactation consultant. 




Do you have MORE questions? Bring them to your free Meet & Greet – book here!

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